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Stand: 31.12.2010
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Chronological changes of the amplitude-integrated EEG in a neonate with molybdenum cofactor deficiency. Sie, et.al., J Inherit Metab Dis. 2010 Sep 24. [Epub ahead of print]
Using amplitude-integrated EEG in neonatal intensive care. Tao et.al., J Perinatol. 2010 Oct;30 Suppl:S73-81.
Amplitude integrated electroencephalographic activity in infants with congenital heart disease before surgery. ter Horst et.al., Early Hum Dev 2010 Dec;86(12):759-64.
Early Amplitude Integrated EEG and Outcome of Very Low Birth Weight Infants. El-Dib et.al., Pediatr Int. 2010 Oct 12. doi: 10.1111/j.1442-200X.2010.03270.x. [Epub ahead of print]
Absent cyclicity on aEEG within the first 24 h is associated with brain damage in preterm infants. Kidokoro, et.al., Neuropediatrics 2010 Dec;41(6):241-5. Epub 2011 Mar 28.
Sepsis-associated electroencephalographic changes in extremely low gestational age neonates. Helderman, et.al., Early Hum Dev 2010 Aug 11.
Analysis of Amplitude-Integrated EEG in the Newborn Based on Approximate Entropy. Li et.al., IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2010 Jul 26.
A case of frontal lobe epilepsy in which amplitude-integrated EEG combined with conventional EEG was useful for evaluating clusters of seizures. Ishikawa, et.al., Epilepsy Behav. 2010 Aug;18(4):485-487
Effect of hypothermia on amplitude-integrated electroencephalogram in infants with asphyxia. Thoresen, et.al., Pediatrics. 2010 Jul;126(1):e131-9.
Effect of sedation and analgesia on postoperative amplitude-integrated EEG in newborn cardiac patients. Bernet et.al., Pediatr Res. 2010 Jun;67(6):650-5
Accuracy of amplitude integrated EEG in a neonatal cohort. Evans et.al., Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2010 May;95(3):F169-73.
Effects of Postnatal Age and Aminophylline on the Maturation of Amplitude-Integrated Electroencephalography Activity in Preterm Infants.Lee et.al., Neonatology. 2010 Apr 23;98(3):245-253.
Use of amplitude integrated electroencephalography (aEEG) in patients with inborn errors of metabolism - a new tool for the metabolic geneticist. Theda, C., Mol Genet Metab. 2010;100 Suppl 1:S42-8. Epub 2010 Feb 21
Effect of treatment of subclinical neonatal seizures detected with aEEG: randomized, controlled trial.Rooij, et.al., Pediatrics. 2010 Feb;125(2):e358-66. Epub 2010 Jan 25
Decreased aEEG continuity and baseline variability in the first 48 hours of life associated with poor short-term outcome in neonates born before 29 weeks gestation. Bowen, et.al., Pediatr Res. 2010 May;67(5):538-44.
The prognostic value of early aEEG in asphyxiated infants undergoing systemic hypothermia treatment. Hallberg, et.al., Acta Paediatr. 2010 Apr;99(4):531-6.
Cerebrospinal fluid drainage in posthaemorrhagic ventricular dilatation leads to improvement in amplitude-integrated electroencephalographic activity. Olischar, Klebermass, et.al. Acta Paediatr 2009 Jun;98(6):1002-9.
Engineering aspects of the quantified amplitude-integrated electroencephalogram in neonatal cerebral monitoring. Quigg, Leiner. J Clin Neurophysiol. 2009 Jun;26(3):145-9.
Changes in cerebral hemodynamics and amplitude integrated EEG in an asphyxiated newborn during and after cool cap treatment.Ancora et.al. Brain Dev. 2009 Jun;31(6):442-4. Epub 2008 Jul 22.
A pilot study of continuous limited-channel aEEG in term infants with encephalopathy.Lawrence et.al. J Pediatr. 2009 Jun;154(6):835-41.e1. Epub 2009 Feb 23
Cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen and amplitude-integrated electroencephalography during early reperfusion after hypoxia-ischemia in piglets. Tichauer et.al. J Appl Physiol. 2009 May;106(5):1506-12. Epub 2009 Mar 19.
Role of amplitude-integrated electroencephalography in neonates with cardiovascular compromise.El-Nagger, et.al. J Crit Care 2009 Feb 11. [Epub ahead of print]
Brain monitoring in neonates.Toet, et.al. Early Hum Dev. 2009 Feb;85(2):77-84. Epub 2009 Jan 17.
Development of amplitude integrated EEG and interburts interval in the rat. Tucker, et.al. Pediatric Research. 65(1):62-66, January 2009.
Usefulness of single-channel amplitude-integrated electroencephalography for continuous seizure monitoring in infancy: A case report. Okumura, et.al. Brain Dev. 2009 Jan 12. [Epub ahead of print]
Development of amplitude-integrated electroencephalography and interburst interval in the rat.Tucker, et.al. Pediatr Res. 2009 Jan;65(1):62-6.
Cerebral hypoxic ischemia at different cerebral oxygen saturations in piglets: amplitude-integrated EEG study. Zhang, et.al. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2008;2008:4712-5.
Cerebral function monitoring in neonates with perinatal asphyxia--preliminary results. Lukaskova et.al. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2008 Aug;29(4):522-8. (Kein Link verfügbar. Abstract über PubMed)
Early amplitude-integrated EEG correlates with cord TNF-alpha and brain injury in very preterm infants. Wikstöm, et.al., Acta Paediatr. 2008 Jul;97(7):915-9. Epub 2008 May 7.
Accuracy of bedside electroencephalographic monitoring in comparison with simultaneous continuous conventional electroencephalography for seizure detection in term infants. Shah, Mackay, et.al., Pediatrics. 2008 Jun;121(6):1146-54.
Assessment of Neonatal Electroencephalography (EEG) Background by Conventional and Two Amplitude-Integrated EEG Classification Systems. Shellhaas, et.al., J Pediatr. 2008 Apr 17. Epub ahead of print.
Amplitude-integrated EEG--useful for early outcome prediction after birth asphyxia? Hellstroem-Westas, L. Nat Clin Pract Neurol. 2008 Feb;4(2):74-5. Epub 2007 Dec 18.
Amplitude-integrated electroencephalographic changes in a newborn induced by overdose of morphine and corrected with naloxone. Niemarkt, et.al., Acta Paediatr. 2008 Jan;97(1):132-4.
Should amplitude-integrated electroencephalography be used to identify infants suitable for hypothermic neuroprotection? Sarkar, Barks et.al., J Perinatol. 2008 Feb;28(2):117-22. Epub 2007 Nov 15.
Mild hypothermia and the distribution of cerebral lesions in neonates with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. Rutherford, et.al., Pediatrics. 2006 Jun;117(6):2326-8.
Amplitude-integrated EEG (aEEG) predicts outcome after cardiac arrest and induced hypothermia. Rundgren, et.al., Intensive Care Med. 2006 Jun;32(6):836-42.
Lack of influence of mild hypothermia on amplitude integrated-electroencephalography in neonates receiving extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Horan, et.al., Early Hum Dev. 2007 Feb;83(2):69-75.
The effect of maturation and sedation on amplitude-integrated electroencephalogram of the preterm neonate: results of a prospective study. Herbertz, et.al., Acta Paediatr. 2006 Nov;95(11):1394-9.
Continuous EEG monitoring in a paediatric intensive care unit. Hyllienmark, et.al., Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2007 Mar;11(2):70-5.
The added value of simultaneous EEG and amplitude-integrated EEG recordings in three newborn infants. de Vries, et.al., Neonatology. 2007;91(3):212-6.
An algorithm for the automatic detection of seizures in neonatal amplitude-integrated EEG. Lommen, et.al., Acta Paediatr. 2007 May;96(5):674-80.
Determinants of outcomes after head cooling for neonatal encephalopathy.Wyatt, Gluckman, et.al., Pediatrics. 2007 May;119(5):912-21.
Characteristics of amplitude-integrated electroencephalogram in premature infants. Kuint, et.al., J Child Neurol. 2007 Mar;22(3):277-81.
Monitoring the neonatal brain: a survey of current practice among Australian and New Zealand neonatologists. Filan, et.al., J Paediatr Child Health. 2007 Jul-Aug;43(7-8):557-9.
Neurodevelopmental outcome in term infants with status epilepticus detected with amplitude-integrated electroencephalography. Van Rooij, de Vries, et.al., Pediatrics. 2007 Aug;120(2):e354-63.
Amplitude-integrated EEG is useful in predicting neurodevelopmental outcome in full-term infants with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy: a meta-analysis. Spitzmiller, et.al., J Child Neurol. 2007 Sep;22(9):1069-78.
Sensitivity of amplitude-integrated electroencephalography for neonatal seizure detection. Shellhaas, et.al., Pediatrics. 2007 Oct;120(4):770-7.
Background patterns and sleep-wake cycles on amplitude-integrated electroencephalography in preterms younger than 30 weeks gestational age with peri-/intraventricular haemorrhage. Olischar, Klebermasz, et.al., Acta Paediatr. 2007 Dec;96(12):1743-50.
Continuous brain-function monitoring: state of the art in clinical practice. Hellström-Westas, et.al., Semin Fetal Neonatal Med. 2006 Dec;11(6):503-11.
Predictive value of amplitude-integrated electroencephalography pattern and voltage in asphyxiated term infants. Shany, Goldstein, et.al., Pediatr Neurol. 2006 Nov;35(5):335-42.
Quantitative electroencephalographic patterns in normal preterm infants over the first week after birth. West, Harding, et.al., Early Human Development Jan;82(1):43-51.
Early low cardiac output is associated with compromised electroencephalographic activity in very preterm infants. West, et.al., Pediatr. Res Apr;59(4 Pt 1):610-615.
The relationship between cardiac output, cerebral electrical activity, cerebral fractional oxygen extraction and peripheral blood flow in premature newborn infants. Victor, Appleton, et.al., Pediatr. Res Oct;60(4):456-460
Amplitude-integrated EEG classification and interpretation in preterm and term infants. Hellstrom-Westas, de Vries, et.al., NeoReviews 7(2):76-87.
Intra and extrauterine maturation of amplitude-integrated electroencephalographic activity in preterm infants younger than 30 weeks of gestation. Klebermasz, et.al., Biology of the Neonate 89:120-125.
Seizure detection algorithm for neonates based on time wave-sequence analysis. Navakatikyan, et.al., Clinical neurphysiology Jun;117(6):1190-1203.
Use of 2-Channel bedside electroencephalogram monitoring in term-born encephalopathic infants related to cerebral injury defined by magnetic resonance imaging, Shah, et.al., Pediatrics 118:47-55.
Role of cerebral function monitoring in the newborn. deVries, Hellstrom-Westas, Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonat Ed 90:201-207.
Moderate Hypothermia in neonatal encephalopathy: efficacy outcomes. Eicher, et.al., Pediatric Neurology, 32(1):11-17.
Moderate Hypothermia in neonatal encephalopathy: safety outcomes. Eicher, et.al., Pediatric Neurology, 2005 Jan;32(1):18-24.
Selective head cooling with mild systemic hypothermia after neonatal encephalopathy: multi-centre randomised trial. Gluckman, Wyatt, et.al., Lancet 19;365(9460):663-670.
Sleep-wake cycling in term newborns with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. Osredkar, Toet, et.al., Pediatrics 115(2):327-332.
Whole-body hypothermia for neonates with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. Shankaran, et.al., New England Journal of Medicine 353:1574-1584.
Amplitude-integrated EEG in preterm infants: maturation of background pattern and amplitude voltage with postmenstrual age and gestational age. Sisman, et.al., Journal of Perinatology 25:391-396.
Therapeutic hypothermia for hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in the newborn infant. Thoresen, et.al., Current Opinion in Neurology 18:11-116.
Postneonatal epilepsy following amplitude-integrated EEG detected neonatal seizures. Toet, et.al., Pediatric Neurology 32(4):241-247.
Spectral analysis of electroencephalography in premature newborn infants: normal ranges. Victor, et.al., Pediatric Research 57:336-341.
Neurologic monitoring for congenital heart surgery. Andropoulos, et.al., Anaesth Anal 99:1365-1375.
Reference values for amplitude-integrated electroencephalographic activity in preterm infants younger than 30 weeks´ gestational age. Olischar, Klebermass, et.al., Pediatrics 113(1):e61-66.
Hypoxic-ischemic brain injury in the term infant - current concepts. Shalak, et.al., Early Human Development 80:125-141.
Burst suppression on amplitude-integrated electroencephalogram may be induced by midazolam: a report of three cases. ter Horst, et.al., Acta Paediatr 93(4):559-563.
Prognostic significance of amplitude-integrated EEG during the first 72 hours after birth in severe asphyxiated neonates. ter Horst, et.al., Pediatric Research 55(6):1026-1033.
Midazolam and amplitude-integrated EEG in asphyxiated full-term neonates. van Leuven, et.al., Acta Paediatri 93(9):1153-1154.
Cerebral Function Monitoring: A new scoring system for the evaluation of brain maturation in neonates. Burdjalov, et.al., Pediatrics 112:855-861.
Lowered electroencephalographic spectral edge frequenze predicts the presence of cerebral white matter injury in premature infants. Inder, et.al., Pediatrics 111:27-33.
Ampßlitude-integrated electroencephalography coupled with an early neurologic examination enhances prediction of term infants at risk for persistent encephalopathy. Shalak, et.al., Pediatrics 111:351-357.
Seizure detection: correlation of human experts. Wilson, et.al., Clinical Neurophysiology 14:2156-2164.
Effects of magnesium sulphate on amplitude-integrated contiunous EEG in asphyxiated term neonates. Groenendaal, et.al. Acta Paediatr 91(10):1073-1077.
Amplitude-integrated encephalography in pyridoxine-dependent seizures and pyridoxine-responsive seizures. Hellstrom-Westas, et.al. Acta Paediatr 91:977-980.
Developmental outcome and types of chronic-stage EEG abnormalities in preterm infants. Okumura, et.al., Dev Med Child Neurol 44:729-734.
Prognostic value of EEG depression in preterm infants for later development of cerebral palsy. Maruyama, et.al. Neuropediatrics 2002 Jun;33(3):133-7.
Comparison between simultaneously recorded amplitude integrated electroencephalogramm (cerebral function monitor) and standard EEG in neonates. Toets, et.al., Pediatrics 109:772-779.
Background EEG activities of very preterm infants born at less than 27 weeks gestation: a study on the degree of continuity. Hayakawa, et.al. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 84:F163-F167.
Short-term effects of incubator covers on quiet sleep in stable premature infants. Hellstrom-Westas, et.al., Acta Paediatr 90(9):1004-1008.
Early prediction of outcome with aEEG in preterm infants with large intraventricular hemorrhages. Hellstrom-Westas, et.al., Neuropaediatrics 32:319-324.
Evaluation of the cerebral function monitor as a tool for neurophysiological surveillance in neonatal intensive care patients. Klebermasz, et.al., Childs Nerv Syst 17:544-550.
Cerebral function monitoring in pediatric intensive care: useful features for predicting outcome. Murdoch-Eaton, et.al., Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 43:91-96.
Assessment of neonatal encephalopathy by amplitude-integrated EEG. al Naqeeb et.al., Pediatrics 103:1263-1271.
Prediction of neurological outcome after birth asphyxia from early continuous two channel EEG. Azzopardi et.al., Early Human Development 55:113-123.
Early prognostic indicators of outcome in infants with neonatal cerebral infarction: a clinical, electroencephalogramm and MRI study. Mercuri et.al., Pediatrics 103(1):39-46.
Status epilepticus on the pediatric intensive care unit - the role of EEG monitoring. Ross et.al., Seizure 8:335-338.
Amplitude integrated EEG 3 and 6 hours after birth in full term neonates with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. Toet, Hellstrom-Westas, et.al., Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 81:F19-F23.
Comparison of the effects of phenobarbitone and morphine administration on EEG activity in preterm babies. Bell, Greisen,Pryds, Acta Paediatr 82(1):35-39.